Day 2... la suite

De notre envoyée spéciale - June

The first leg of cycling.
Peter from SAP team B.
He passed the guy in front of him
(a SAS member who might now as well call SOS:). 

The cycling was followed by a duo running
Team B Dominique and Peter.

This duo ran all the way into the lunch canteen where they were so surprisingly welcomed by live music and dancing crowds. I locked my camera in the car so you would just have to take my word for it. The band was great. The gentleman who sang somehow reminded me of Peter Gabriel, regardless of no resemblance of look nor voice. And I witnessed our captain Aymeric jumped to the dance floor. He was actually very good in his steps. A true triathlete indeed!

Ok. Jean, you know there's no free lunch
right? So ya, your turn.


Etape mixte avec un greffé, Paul , Stéphane, Francesco et Paul au départ à Nonville pour 4.7km


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